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Title: My Dream
As a high school student, I ha ve m a ny dreams for my future. However, my ultimate dream is to become a successful entrepreneur. I believe that with hard work, dedication, and a good idea, I can make a difference in the world.
To achieve my dream, I plan to study business in college and gain experience through internships and networking opportunities. I also plan to read books and attend seminars on entrepreneurship to expand my knowledge and skills.
I understand that the road to success is not easy, and there will be obstacles and failures al o ng the way. However, I am determined to overcome them and never give up on my dream. I know that with perseverance and a positive attitude, I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
In addition to my personal success, I also hope to use my business to make a positive impact on society. I want to create a company that not only generates profit but also contributes to the b e tterment of the world. Whether it is through sustainable practices, charitable donations, or community outreach programs, I want to lea ve a positive legacy.
In conclusion, my dream is to become a successful entrepreneur who makes a positive impact on the world. Through hard work, dedication, and a passion for business, I believe that I can achieve this goal and create a b e tter future for myself and others.


Protecting Our Environment
Nowadays, environmental problems ha ve become more and more serious. Pollution, glob a l warming, and deforestation are just a few examples of the dama ge being done to our planet. It is time for us to take action to protect our environment.
To begin with, we need to reduce pollution. We can do this by using public transportation, walking, or cycling instead of driving cars. We can also use energy-efficient a p pliances and turn off lights and electronics when we are not using them. In addition, we should recycle as much as possible and a void using disposable products.
Another important issue is glob a l warming. We can reduce our carbon footprint by using renewable energy such as solar or wind power, and by planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide. We should also support g o v ernment policies that prioritize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Finally, deforestation is a major problem that needs to be addressed. We can help by buying products made from sustainable materials and a voiding products made from endangered species. We should also support organizations that work to protect forests and wildlife.
In conclusion, it is up to each and every one of us to take responsibility for protecting our environment. By making s mall changes in our daily lives and supporting environmental initiatives, we can make a big difference in preserving our planet for future generations.


