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发布时间:2024-06-05 11:24:17



答案:Hi, how are you doing today?
Bob: I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Ai: I'm doing great, thanks. So, what ha ve you been up to lately?
Bob: Not much, just working and spending time with my family. We went on a weekend trip to the beach a few weeks a go, which was really nice.
Ai: That sounds like f u n. Did you do any surfing or other water activities?
Bob: No, we just lounged on the beach and went for a swim. It was really relaxing.
Ai: That sounds like the perfect way to spend a weekend. Ha ve you been to any other beaches in the area?
Bob: Yeah, we've been to a few other beaches al o ng the coast. There are so m a ny great ones to choose from.
Ai: I'll ha ve to check them out sometime. Well, it was nice chatting with you, Bob. Ha ve a good day!
Bob: You too, Ai. Take care!


答案:Hello, my name is Ai. I am from China and I am currently studying in the UK. I am very excited to be taking the IELTS exam and I hope to achieve a high score.
In terms of my academic background, I ha ve a Bachelor's degree in Economics and I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Business Administration. I ha ve always been interested in business and economics, and I hope to use my education to make a positive impact in the world.
In my free time, I enjoy reading books, watching movies, and exploring new places. I also like to stay active by going for runs or practicing yoga.
I am confident that my education and experiences ha ve prepared me well for the IELTS exam, and I am excited to see what opportunities lie ahead. Thank you for your time.


答案:Hello, how can I ass i st you with a sample of CET-4 oral test?
User: Yes, please. Can you provide me with a sample CET-4 oral test?
Ai: Sure, here is a sample CET-4 oral test for you:
Topic: Describe your fa vorite hobby
Q: What is your fa vorite hobby?
A: My fa vorite hobby is playing the guitar.
Q: How did you become interested in playing the guitar?
A: I became interested in playing the guitar when I was in high school. I heard a friend playing a song on the guitar and I was fascinated by the sound. I asked him to teach me how to play, and from then on, I was hooked.
Q: How often do you practice playing the guitar?
A: I try to practice every day if possible, but sometimes I ha ve other commitments that keep me from playing as much as I would like.
Q: What do you like about playing the guitar?
A: I love the feeling of creating music and expressing myself through the guitar. It's very satisfying to learn a new song or technique and to see myself improve over time.
Q: Ha ve you ever performed in front of an audience?
A: Yes, I ha ve performed in front of s mall audiences at coffee shops and open mic nights. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but also very exciting and rewarding.
Q: Do you ha ve any advice for someone who wants to learn how to play the guitar?
A: My advice would be to practice regularly and to be patient with yourself. Learning to play the guitar takes time and effort, but it's worth it in the end. Also, don't be afraid to ask for help or take lessons if you need them.


答案:Hi, how are you doing today?
Bob: I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Ai: I'm doing well too, thanks. So, what ha ve you been up to lately?
Bob: Not too much, just working and trying to stay busy. How about you?
Ai: Same here, just trying to keep up with work and some personal projects. Ha ve you done anything f u n lately?
Bob: Actually, I went hiking last weekend with some friends. It was really nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Ai: That sounds great! I've been meaning to go on a hike myself. Where did you go?
Bob: We went to a nearby state park and did a 5-mile trail. It was a bit challenging, but the views were worth it.
Ai: That sounds amazing. I'll ha ve to check it out myself. Thanks for the recommendation.
Bob: No problem, anytime. Do you ha ve any plans for the weekend?
Ai: Not yet, but I'm thinking of maybe going to a concert or checking out a new restaurant. How about you?
Bob: I'm planning on going to a barbecue with some friends. It should be a good time.
Ai: Nice, ha ve f u n! Well, it was great catching up with you. Let's chat a gain soon.
Bob: Definitely, take care!




