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发布时间:2024-05-28 19:31:41



My fa vorite holiday activity is hiking. I love being outdoors and exploring nature, and hiking is the perfect way to do that. There's nothing like the feeling of reaching the top of a mountain and taking in the incredible views. I also love the physical challenge of hiking - it's a great workout and lea ves me feeling energized and refreshed.
One of my fa vorite hiking experiences was when I hiked to the top of a mountain in Colorado. The trail was steep and rocky, but the scenery was breathtaking. I saw wildflowers, streams, and even some wildlife al o ng the way. When I reached the top, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in myself for making it to the summit.
Hiking is also a great way to spend time with friends and family. I often go on hikes with my siblings or friends, and it's a great bonding experience. We get to enjoy the outdoors together and share in the experience of conquering a challenging trail.
Overall, hiking is my fa vorite holiday activity because it combines my love of nature, physical activity, and spending time with loved ones. I always feel refreshed and rejuvenated after a good hike, and it's a great way to escape the stress of everyday life.


1. 确定主题和观点:在写作之前,要明确自己的主题和观点,确保论点清晰明确。
2. 组织结构:写作时要注意组织结构,包括引言、主体和结论。确保文章结构清晰,逻辑性强。
3. 使用例子:在文章中使用例子可以帮助支持自己的观点。例子应该具体、相关且有说服力。
4. 多练习:托福写作需要不断练习,这样可以提高写作速度和质量。
5. 注意语法和拼写:在写作过程中要注意语法和拼写,这样可以避免低级错误,提高分数。
6. 用词精准:用词要准确,尽量避免使用模糊、不确定或无意义的词语。
7. 注意时间:在写作时要注意时间,确保能够在规定的时间内完成文章。
8. 阅读样本文章:通过阅读样本文章可以了解托福写作的评分标准和写作技巧。




