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发布时间:2024-05-31 04:56:50



1. 确定主题和类型:在写作之前,先确定作文的主题和类型,例如议论文、说明文、应用文等,根据不同的类型选择不同的写作方式和表达方式。
2. 计划好结构:在写作之前,先列出大纲,确定每一段的内容和主题,保证文章结构清晰、条理分明。
3. 使用恰当的词汇和语法:选择合适的词汇和语法,避免使用过于简单或者复杂的表达方式,保证文章通顺、流畅。
4. 多读多写:多读一些优秀的英语文章,不断练习写作,提高自己的写作水平。


答案:Here is a sample essay for a high school sophomore in English, with a p proximately 80 words:
Title: The Importance of Time Mana gement
Time m a na gement is a crucial skill for success in life. In high school, students ha ve to juggle multiple classes, extracurricular activities, and social events. Without proper time m a na gement, it's easy to fall behind and feel overwhelmed. To m a na ge time effectively, students should prioritize tasks, create schedules, and eliminate distractions. By doing so, they can accomplish more in less time, reduce stress, and achieve their goals. In short, time m a na gement is a valuable tool that can help students succeed in school and beyond.


答案:1. In my opinion/ view,
2. It is widely believed that/ commonly accepted that,
3. As far as I am concerned,
4. From my perspective,
5. It goes without saying that,
6. It is undeniable that,
7. It is worth noting that,
8. It is of great importance that,
9. Without a doubt,
10. It is evident that,
11. It is clear that,
12. To put it simply,
13. It is crucial that,
14. It is imperative that,
15. It is necessary that.


答案:1. My Dream Job
My dream job is to become a doctor. I ha ve always been interested in science and biology, and I want to use my knowledge to help people. I believe that being a doctor is a noble profession, and I want to make a difference in people's lives.
2. My Fa vorite Hobby
My fa vorite hobby is reading. I love to read books of all kinds, from fiction to non-fiction. Reading allows me to escape into different worlds and learn new things. It also helps me to improve my vocabulary and critical thinking skills.
3. My Best Friend
My best friend is someone who is always there for me. She is kind, f u nny, and supportive. We ha ve been friends since we were children, and I can't ima gine my life without her. She is like a s i ster to me, and I know that she will always ha ve my back.


