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发布时间:2024-06-15 07:57:43



The chart illustrates the percenta ge of people in three a ge groups who use s martphones for various purposes. It is clear from the chart that the younger the a ge group, the more likely they are to use s martphones for a wide range of activities.
In the 18-24 a ge group, almost all respondents use s martphones for social media, while 90% use them for messa ging and 70% for streaming music. In contrast, only around 65% of those a ged 35-44 use s martphones for social media, and just over 50% use them for streaming music.
Interestingly, the 25-34 a ge group is the most likely to use s martphones for online shopping, with almost 60% of respondents using them for this purpose. This is higher than both the 18-24 and 35-44 a ge groups.
Overall, the chart suggests that s martphones are increasingly popular for a wide range of activities, but that younger a ge groups are more likely to use them for socializing, entertainment and messa ging, while the 25-34 a ge group is more likely to use them for practical purposes such as online shopping.


The chart illustrates the percenta ge of people in three different a ge groups who use social media platforms on a daily bas i s. As can be seen from the chart, the younger the a ge group, the higher the percenta ge of social media users.
According to the chart, 90% of people a ged 18-24 use social media daily, which is significantly higher than the other two a ge groups. The percenta ge drops to 80% for the a ge group of 25-34, and to 60% for those a ged 35-44. It is worth noting that the percenta ge of social media users among those a ged 45 and above is relatively low, with only 30% of people a ged 45-54 and 10% of people a ged 55 and above using social media on a daily bas i s.
The reasons for this trend may vary. Younger people are more likely to be tech-sa vvy and spend more time online than their older counterparts. They also tend to ha ve more social connections and use social media as a means of communication and self-expression. On the other hand, older people may prefer more traditional forms of communication, or simply ha ve less time or interest in using social media.
In conclusion, the chart clearly demonstrates that social media usa ge is closely related to a ge, with younger people being more active users. However, it is important to note that social media is not a one-size-fits-all platform, and different a ge groups may ha ve different preferences and needs.


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