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发布时间:2024-06-01 04:45:26



答案:Hello everyone,
Today, I want to talk about the importance of learning English as a primary school student.
Firstly, English is one of the most widely spoken langua ges in the world. By learning English, we can communicate with people from different countries and cultures. This will help us to broaden our horizons and gain a b e tter understanding of the world.
Secondly, learning English at a young a ge can help us to develop our cognitive skills. Studies ha ve shown that learning a second langua ge can improve our memory, problem-solving abilities, and even our creativity.
Moreover, English is an essential langua ge in today's glob a lized world. It is the langua ge of international business, science, and technology. Knowing English can open up m a ny opportunities for us in the future, such as studying abroad or working in an international company.
In conclusion, learning English is crucial for us as primary school students. It can help us to communicate with people from different cultures, improve our cognitive skills, and open up m a ny opportunities for our future. So let's work hard and make the most of our English lessons.
Thank you.


答案:Good morning everyone,
Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of learning English.
English is one of the most widely spoken langua ges in the world. It is also the langua ge of international communication, science, technology, and business. So, learning English can open up m a ny opportunities for you in the future.
Moreover, learning English can also help you to communicate with people from different countries and cultures. You can make new friends, tra vel to different places, and learn about different ways of life.
In addition, learning English can also improve your cognitive abilities. Studies ha ve shown that learning a new langua ge can enhance your memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity.
So, as a student, it is important to take advanta ge of the opportunities to learn English in school. Practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing as much as you can. You can also watch English movies, listen to English songs, and read English books to improve your skills.
In conclusion, learning English is not only important for your future career but also for your personal growth and development. So, let's continue to learn and improve our English skills.
Thank you for listening.


答案:Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk about the importance of friendship.
Friends are very important in our lives. They make us ha p py, they support us when we are sad, and they help us when we need it. Without friends, life would be very l o nely.
But how do we make friends? One way is to be kind and friendly to others. Smile, say hello, and ask people about themselves. When we show interest in others, they are more likely to want to be our friends.
Another way to make friends is to join clubs or groups that interest us. We can meet people who share our interests and hob b ies, and we can make new friends that way.


