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发布时间:2024-05-26 14:31:30



The bar chart illustrates the percenta ge of people in three different a ge groups who use social media platforms in a particular country. The a ge groups are 18-24, 25-34, and 35-44.
Overall, the data shows that social media usa ge declines with a ge. In the youngest a ge group, 18-24, almost all respondents use social media, with 97% of them using Facebook, 89% using Insta gram, and 79% using Twitter. In contrast, in the oldest a ge group, 35-44, only 63% use Facebook, 45% use Insta gram, and 22% use Twitter.
Looking at all three a ge groups, Facebook is the most popular social media platform, with usa ge ranging from 63% to 97%. Insta gram is the second most popular, with usa ge ranging from 45% to 89%. Twitter is the least popular, with usa ge ranging from 22% to 79%.
In conclusion, social media usa ge is most prevalent among young adults, with usa ge declining as a ge increases. Facebook is the most popular platform among all a ge groups, followed by Insta gram and Twitter.


