成语| 古诗大全| 教学资源| 作文| 扒知识| 扒知识繁体 成语| 古诗大全| 教学资源| 作文| 作文楼| 句子| 历史人物| 范文|



1. The bar chart/pie chart/line graph shows the changes of…from…to….
2. As is shown in the dia gram, there has been a significant increase/decrease in the number of…over the past few years.
3. The data in the table indicates that there is a clear trend of…over the period from…to….
4. From the graph, we can see that there is a steady rise/fall in the amount of…from year to year.
1. There are several reasons that contribute to the trend. Firstly,…Secondly,…Finally,…
2. The trend can be attributed to various factors, such as…, which has led to…
3. It is evident that…, which suggests that…
4. The trend is likely to continue in the foreseeable future due to the fact that…
1. In conclusion, the data indicates that there has been a significant change in the trend of…over the past few years.
2. To sum up, the chart/table/graph clearly shows that…
3. Overall, the data suggests that…, which has important implications for…
4. In light of the above analysis, it is reasonable to predict that…in the near future.


Here is a sample English writing:
Topic: The Importance of Learning a Second Langua ge
Learning a second langua ge has become increasingly important in today's global society. With the rise of international trade and communication, being able to speak a second langua ge can provide numerous benefits.
Firstly, it can improve job prospects. Many companies require employees who can speak multiple langua ges, especially in industries such as touris m, international business, and translation. Knowing a second langua ge can give you a competitive edge in the job market and increase your chances of getting hired.
Secondly, learning a second langua ge can broaden your cultural horizons. It allows you to communicate with people from different backgrounds and understand their perspectives. It also opens up opportunities for tra vel and experiencing new cultures firsthand.
Furthermore, studies ha ve shown that learning a second langua ge can improve cognitive function and even delay the onset of dementia in later life. It can also enhance problem-solving skills and improve memory retention.
In conclusion, learning a second langua ge is not only beneficial for career advancement but also for personal growth and cognitive development. It is a valuable skill that everyone should strive to acquire in our increasingly interconnected world.


1. 五段式模板:
Body Para graph 1:第一个主要观点及其论据。
Body Para graph 2:第二个主要观点及其论据。
Body Para graph 3:第三个主要观点及其论据。
2. 议论文模板:
Body Para graph 1:阐述自己的观点,提出自己的论据。
Body Para graph 2:介绍另一种观点,提出对方的论据。
Body Para graph 3:对对方的观点进行驳斥,提出自己的反驳论据。
3. 描述性模板:
Body Para graph 1:描述事物的外观及其特点。
Body Para graph 2:描述事物的功能、用途或价值。
Body Para graph 3:描述事物的历史背景、文化含义或未来发展。
4. 问题解决模板:
Body Para graph 1:分析问题的原因及其影响。
Body Para graph 2:提出解决问题的方法或措施。
Body Para graph 3:说明解决问题的效果或预期效果。


My Fa vorite Season
My fa vorite season is spring. I love the feeling of new beginnings that comes with the flowers blooming and the weather warming up. The world seems to come back to life after a long, cold winter.
One of my fa vorite things to do in spring is to go for walks and take in all the beautiful scenery. The trees are budding, the grass is turning green, and there are flowers everywhere. It's a great time to be outside and enjoy the fresh air.


