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考研英语二真题 以下是2019年考研英语二真题:Section I Use of EnglishDirectiO N S:Read the foll owing text. Cho ose the b est word(s) for e



Section I Use of English

DirectiO N S:

Read the foll owing text. Cho ose the b est word(s) for each numb ered blank and m ark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (1 0 points)

The idea that the United States has always b een a bastion of religious freedom is largely ___1___. Tru e, the U.S. CO N Stitution guar antees freedom of religion, but __2___ that freedom has eb b ed and fl owed thr oughout the country’s history, and it has b een challenged fr om a variety of ___3___.

Religion in the United States is ___4___ diverse. Its survey of more than 35,000 Americans showed that it is also ___5___ complex and often contr adictory. For example, a m ajority of Americans say they ___6___ religion plays a very i mportant r ole in their lives, yet at the same ti me, a m ajority also say that religion is ___7___ l osing its influ ence in the country.

One thing is clear: The United States has an ___8___ religious past. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Puritans and Pilgri ms who arrived in the New World ___9___ religious freedom for themselves, but they were ___1 0___ intoler ant of the religious b eliefs of others.

1. [A] neglected [B] deceptive [C] superficial [D] overbl own
2. [A] thereby [B] f urthermore [C] otherwise [D] however
3. [A] angles [B] perspectives [C] di mensiO N S [D] aspects
4. [A] inherently [B] exclusively [C] excessively [D] extensively
5. [A] very [B] much [C] far [D] equally
6. [A] trust [B] recognize [C] suspect [D] doubt
7. [A] gr adually [B] increasingly [C] frequ ently [D] cO N Stantly
8. [A] afflu ent [B] ambivalent [C] arduous [D] a byS m al
9. [A] pursu ed [B] dem anded [C] secured [D] clai med
1 0. [A] compar atively [B] par adoxically [C] correspondingly [D] cO N Sistently

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A

DirectiO N S:

Read the foll owing four texts. Answer the qu estiO N S b el ow each text by cho osing A, B, C or D. m ark y our answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

Text 1

In the early 1990s, psychol ogist b etty Hart discovered something striking a b out the way children of different socioeconomic backgr ounds devel o p langua ge skills. Hart and her collea gu e, Todd Risley, visited the homes of 42 families fr om various walks of life and recorded an hour of conversation in each home. They then tr anscrib ed every word, and extr a polated the numb er of words spoken by each child in every hour. Their findings were sta ggering: Children fr om the po orest families heard a b out 600 words per hour. Working-class children heard 1,200 words per hour, and children fr om pr ofessional families heard 2,1 00 words. Extr a polated out, this means that in four years, a child in a pr ofessional family would hear 48 million words, while a child in a working-class family would hear 24 million, and a child in a po or family would hear 13 million. This “word ga p” correlated with academic success: The children who heard more words in their form ative years were more likely to do well in scho ol.

11. What did Hart and Risley do in their research?

[A] They compared the langua ge skills of children fr om different backgr ounds.
[B] They recorded the conversatiO N S of 42 families and counted the numb er of words spoken.
[C] They analyzed the langua ge skills of children fr om various walks of life.
[D] They interviewed children fr om families of different socioeconomic backgr ounds.

12. What does the “word ga p” discovered by Hart and Risley indicate?

[A] Children fr om po or families are least likely to succeed academically.
[B] The amount of words children hear in their early years is linked to their academic perform ance.
[C] Pr ofessional families speak more words than other families.
[D] Working-class children speak more words than po or children.

13. What is the m ain cause of the “word ga p”?

[A] Parents’ socioeconomic backgr ounds.
[B] Children’s academic success.
[C] The numb er of words a child hears in their form ative years.
[D] The amount of ti me parents spend talking to their children.


