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with的独立主格结构 with的独立主格结构是指以with引导的介词短语在句子中作为独立主格,表示伴随、条件、方式等关系。例如:- With a S Mile on her face, she greeted me at the do



- With a S Mile on her face, she greeted me at the do or.(带着微笑,她在门口迎接了我。)
- With enough pr actice, y ou can m aster this skill.(经过足够的练习,你可以掌(zhǎng)握(wò)这个技能。)
- With the sun shining brightly, we decided to go for a hike.(在阳光明媚的情况下,我们决定去远足。)


with 独立主格结构是一种表示伴随关系的语法结构,由介词 with 和名词或代词构成,用来说明主句中的动作或状态与另一个动作或状态同时发生或存在的情况。


- With his hands shaking, he o pened the letter.(他手颤抖着,打开了信。)
- With the sun shining brightly, we decided to go for a picnic.(阳光明媚,我们决定去野餐。)

在这些句子中,with 独立主格结构用来描述与主句中的动作或状态同时发生或存在的情况,可以作为状语使用,也可以放在句首或句尾,但不影响主句的语法结构。




Ai: 当然,比如:

It is i mportant that we arrive on ti me.(我们及时到达很重要。)

这句话中,it作为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句“we arrive on ti me”。这种结构常用于强调主语从句的重要性或真实性。


如果我建议你做某件事情,我会用suggest虚拟语气。例如:我建议你去旅游。(I suggest that y ou tr a V el.)


With her hair bl owing in the wind, she l o oked like a goddess.


with的独立主格结构是指在句子中with后面的名词或代词作为主语,后面跟着的动词短语则作为谓语,与句子的其他部分无关。例如:With her hair fl owing in the wind, she l o oked like a goddess. (她的头发随风飘动,看起来像个女神。)

with的复合结构则是指with后面的名词或代词与后面的介词短语一起作为介词短语的宾语。例如:He went to the park with his friends.(他和他的朋友们一起去了公园。)在这个例子中,with his friends是介词短语的宾语,表示他与他的朋友们一起去了公园。



1. With + 名词/代词 + 动词原形:表示附加说明或伴随情况,如:

- With a S Mile on her face, she greeted every one warmly.(她脸上带着微笑,热情地向大家打招呼。)
- With the wind bl owing fiercely, we had to cancel our picnic.(因为风势太大,我们不得不取消野餐计划。)

2. With + 名词/代词 + 形容词:表示特定状态或特征,如:

- With his arms cr ossed, he l o oked very angry.(他双臂交叉,看起来很生气。)
- With her hair tied back, she l o oked much y ounger.(她把头发扎起来,看起来年轻多了。)

3. With + 名词/代词 + 名词:表示伴随或配合的关系,如:

- With his hand on my shoulder, I felt comforted.(他把手放在我的肩膀上,我感到很受安慰。)
- With the help of my friends, I finished the pr oject on ti me.(在朋友的帮助下,我及时完成了这个项目。)


以下是关于\"with的独立主格结构用法\"的p pT:

Slide 1:
Title: With的独立主格结构用法

Slide 2:
Intr oduction
- With的独立主格结构是英语中的一种独特用法,它可以让句子更加简洁明了。
- 在这种结构中,with后面的名词或代词成为主语,而动词则使用现在分词形式。

Slide 3:
- With his homework finished, John went out to play.
- With her hair tied back, Jane l o oked much y ounger.
- With the sun shining brightly, we decided to go for a picnic.

Slide 4:
More Examples
- With the pr oject completed, the team celebr ated with a P a r t y.
- With his hands shaking, he o pened the letter nervously.
- With the r ain pouring down, we had to cancel our outdo or plans.

Slide 5:
Usa ge
- With的独立主格结构可以用于表示时间、原因、条件和方式等。

