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普吕东 简历 – 名人简历 – 普吕东 法国

发布日期:2021-01-17 01:35:34



普吕东(1758~1823)Prud\’hon Pierre-Paul法国画家。1758年4月4日生于法国克吕厄市一个贫苦家庭。父亲是个石匠。兄弟姐妹13人,他最小。由于早年失怙,自幼过着孤苦伶仃的生活。靠当地神父的培养,他渐渐爱上了绘画。


(1758—1823)法国画家.生于克吕尼一个石匠家庭.早年从画家德沃热学习.1780年去巴黎.1784—1789年到罗马留学,研究达.芬奇、柯勒乔等人作品,艺术上追求古典美,富于感情色彩,注重明暗谐调和色彩的美.尤其擅长利用侧面光突出形体,造成朦胧飘忽、耐人寻味的意境.其题材主要选自神话和寓言,如《约瑟芬皇后在花园里》、《西风卷走波塞琪》、《正义与复仇》。作品中古典主义风格与18世纪亲切、优雅情调结合,带有浪漫主义倾向,在素描、版画和插图上有一定造诣. (1758-1823) French painter. Born in Cluny a mason family. Early to learn from the painter Devoge .1780 year to study in Paris, .1784-1789 years to Rome to study up. Vinci, Correggio, who works of art and the pursuit of classical beauty, rich in emotion, focusing on harmonizing and color brightness of the United States. especially adept at highlighting the use of lateral light body, resulting in hazy erratic, it is interesting in mood. its main themes drawn from myths and fables, such as "Josephine Queen’s in the garden, "" the west wind swept away Bose Qi "," justice and revenge. " Works of 18th century classical style and warm, elegant ambience combined with romantic tendencies, in the drawings, prints and illustrations have a kitchen table.


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