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答案:There are many different animals in English, such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, rabbits, elephants, lions, tigers, bears, monkeys, and many more.


There are many different animals in English, such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, rabbits, elephants, lions, tigers, bears, monkeys, and many more.


All animals in English:
1. Mammals
2. Reptiles
3. Birds
4. Fish
5. Insects
6. Amphibians
7. Arthropods
8. Crustaceans
9. Mollusks
10. Worms
11. Echinoderms
12. Cnidarians
13. Poriferans
14. Protozoans


1. Dog
2. Cat
3. Horse
4. Cow
5. Sheep
6. Pig
7. Chicken
8. Duck
9. Goose
10. Fish
11. Elephant
12. Giraffe
13. Lion
14. Tiger
15. Bear
16. Monkey
17. Koala
18. Kangaroo
19. Crocodile
20. Snake.


1. dog(狗)
2. cat(猫)
3. bird(鸟)
4. fish(鱼)
5. rabbit(兔子)
6. hamster(仓鼠)
7. guinea pig(豚鼠)
8. mouse(老鼠)
9. rat(大鼠)
10. horse(马)
11. cow(牛)
12. pig(猪)
13. sheep(羊)
14. goat(山羊)
15. chicken(鸡)
16. duck(鸭)
17. goose(鹅)
18. turkey(火鸡)
19. deer(鹿)
20. bear(熊)
21. wolf(狼)
22. fox(狐狸)
23. squirrel(松鼠)
24. raccoon(浣熊)
25. skunk(臭鼬)
26. snake(蛇)
27. turtle(乌龟)
28. frog(青蛙)
29. lizard(蜥蜴)
30. spider(蜘蛛)
31. bee(蜜蜂)
32. butterfly(蝴蝶)
33. moth(蛾)
34. ant(蚂蚁)
35. cricket(蟋蟀)
36. grasshopper(蚱蜢)
37. beetle(甲虫)
38. ladybug(瓢虫)
39. snail(蜗牛)
40. worm(蚯蚓)


What is the English word for 动物 (dòng wù)?
Answer: The English word for 动物 (dòng wù) is animal.


What are the endangered animals in the world?


Endangered animals, such as the giant panda, black rhinoceros, and leatherback sea turtle.


What are some animal names in English?


1. dog - 狗
2. cat - 猫
3. bird - 鸟
4. fish - 鱼
5. rabbit - 兔子
6. mouse - 老鼠
7. horse - 马
8. cow - 牛
9. pig - 猪
10. sheep - 绵羊
11. monkey - 猴子
12. snake - 蛇
13. turtle - 海龟
14. crocodile - 鳄鱼
15. elephant - 大象
16. giraffe - 长颈鹿
17. lion - 狮子
18. tiger - 老虎
19. bear - 熊
20. kangaroo - 袋鼠


Some English words for crawling animals include reptiles, snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and alligators.


There are several amphibians in English, including frogs, toads, salamanders, newts, and caecilians.


Some common insect animals include ants, bees, butterflies, beetles, flies, grasshoppers, mosquitoes, and moths.


furry, slimy, scaly, feathery, fluffy, prickly, sleek, majestic, cute, fierce, a gile, graceful, swift, strong, powerful, timid, playful, loyal, cunning, sly, nocturnal, diurnal, omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous.


What are some dangerous animals in English?
There are many dangerous animals, some examples include:
1. Lion
2. Tiger
3. Crocodile
4. Snake
5. Shark
6. Hippopotamus
7. Grizzly bear
8. Polar bear
9. Poison dart frog
10. Box jellyfish


1. dog
2. cat
3. bird
4. fish
5. rabbit
6. hamster
7. guinea pig
8. snake
9. turtle
10. lizard
11. frog
12. mouse
13. rat
14. horse
15. cow
16. sheep
17. goat
18. pig
19. deer
20. bear
21. lion
22. tiger
23. elephant
24. giraffe
25. monkey
26. gorilla
27. kangaroo
28. dolphin
29. whale
30. shark.


Some examples of mammals in English are: dogs, cats, cows, horses, pigs, rabbits, mice, bats, whales, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, bears, and humans.


What are some endangered animals in English?




1. 猫 - cat
2. 狗 - dog
3. 鸟 - bird
4. 蛇 - snake
5. 鱼 - fish
6. 熊 - bear
7. 虎 - tiger
8. 狮子 - lion
9. 大象 - elephant
10. 猴子 - monkey
11. 兔子 - rabbit
12. 马 - horse
13. 羊 - sheep
14. 牛 - cow
15. 猪 - pig
16. 鳄鱼 - crocodile
17. 海豚 - dolphin
18. 海龟 - turtle
19. 蝴蝶 - butterfly
20. 蚂蚁 - ant


fierce, cuddly, fluffy, slimy, scaly, furry, a gile, powerful, graceful, majestic, adorable, ferocious, cunning, stealthy, playful, curious, timid, gentle, wild, domesticated, endangered.


Endangered animals.

